May 31, 2009

My last day of Freedom

Hi Ho, Hi Ho it's off to work I go....tomorrow.  Today was my last bid at freedom.  

I went to the Gladstone Ecofest today.  I got planted up, bought 15 native plants to this region today, by region I mean zone 1 which is quite a large area, Fitzroy, Capricornia Coast etc.  Potted up the bigger ones when I got home and cross fingers they will be fine.    I saw a wombat or two, a baby and a teen.  A Bilby's behind, because he was hiding in the corner and several young joeys.  And two small crocodiles, and yes I did smile at them.  It was a good couple of hours just looking and asking questions.   I also bought another book about the native flora in the Fitzroy region.

Our first garden bed should be happening next month, fingers crossed.  Have to wait until the 'tractor' arrives, my partners new toy.  A little kubota tractor.  It will make it easier as we have so much rock here.

I have been trying to locate a line drawing of a cat, not an easy task on the Internet, trolling through all these sites.  I want a stretched out cat for my next tattoo.  I might have to go trolling through some books instead and see what I can find.   If anyone has some suggestions, I am thinking Asian type art, so I am all ears.

May 19, 2009

Interesting read

Just finished reading "The philosopher and the wolf" by Mark Rowlands.  Very interesting read, about his connection and the lessons he learnt from having a wolf.  Beautiful story.  Mr Rowlands also puts in his views about life.  One thing I have come away is that as humans we value ourselves way to highly.  We don't have a purpose or calling, we were put on this earth like everything else, to procreate and then to die.  I know that sounds depressing, but we put too much value on goals, and feelings, how we should feel, what do you feel etc etc.  When basically I think we should just live in the moments.  Take stock of your surrounds when was the last time you stopped still and felt the breeze on your face or the warmth of the sun.  Next time you are out stop, close your eyes, and feel this.  I believe that is living in the moment.

I have attached his blog to my favourite links.

May 17, 2009


View from Ways Terrace

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Okay doing a new test with RSS feeds, and I think I made an error from the Powerhouse Museum photo of the day blog.  But I got a handle of it, realised that I already have Google Reader to view all the RSS'ssss and have several little things in there already, must remember to go and check up there every now and again.  Have a few rambling blogs, serious blogs from The Australian, and a couple of blogs from booksites what is coming out in the literary world already and added a blog from State Library of Queensland too.  So now that is my homework out of the way.  

Well I better get off my seat and keep doing my other work, housework.  When will they invent a self cleaning house?!   

May 11, 2009

Horses & Pews

Last thursday night went and saw Guy McLean who does horsemanship.  First time I have been to one of his shows, he is funny, has a wonderful way with horses and worth listening too.  I liked his pet bull 'Rider', had me thinking about getting a small bull for myself.  But yet again no room, I so want acreage, larger acreage. 'sigh'  Anyway back to Guy, he lead a horse to saddle so in the end he could ride her but there was a lot of work in between.  Took over an hour and a half to do this.  Apparantly he and his friend who owns the Romeo bloodlines are going over to America.  If you don't know about Romeo bloodlines with the  horses go to Guy McLean's website and follow his links  Absolutely amazing to watch the show, just wished I still had my horse.

I scored a church pew, it is 4 foot long has a beautiful high back, needs sanding and a good coat of...... I haven't decided yet, but the best thing, I was in the right place at the right time and scored it for free.  It maybe 1930's or older not sure.  This guy was going to throw it away, and I happened to spot it in the back of his ute and made a comment that he has been antique shopping, short conversation and a short time later have it stuffed in the back of my friends subaru.  

Thank goodness I have learned the art of conversation, which seems to be getting lost in the current times.  People have lost the understanding that it is not all about themselves with conversations and it is a great way of learning new things and different view points.  Yes people do have different opinions but don't slam down your opinions, there is a more gentle way of doing it.  I love hearing about people's lives and what they have been discovering.  Listening is the best way of having a conversation.

May 5, 2009

Socialising amongst the web

Okay, I have been a member of facebook for sometime due to a highschool reunion coming up next year, the 20 year one.  Cannot get over how quickly time flies.  Have refreshed old school friends and that is great.  My one pet peeve with this sight is those 'requests', I really appreciate so many people want to hug me, but how many hugs can people receive in one day!!  It takes me an age to ignore most of them, I know, how rude of me 'gasp'.  
So I decided to give Twitter a go, just joined, I am following Lily Allen (the singer) love her sense of humour, and her accent that comes through her songs and her voice and also following two friends. Now if no one follows me will this affect my self esteem in real life.....
I am also going to see whether I can somehow view twitter with my mobile phone, just received a new one.  
And then I will compare the two, to see which one I prefer.

May 3, 2009

Puss in Books

Was browsing and saw this neat article.  I would love it if my hounds could come to work with me, though my employer may disagree.  Imagine you could use the cat for storytelling, "Mog" or "Slinky Malinky" stories.  

May 2, 2009


I am now officially on holidays, a whole month to do all the things that I don't have time to do but I won't get round to doing. lol.  Next week the hounds and I are off to get photo portraits.  I won one of those glamour shots, entering thinking I will never win and I did.   I am sooo not a glamour queen, so I asked can I get a pet and person shot instead, they agreed, now to find a venue that caters to dogs.  
I haven't looked at the next State Library Licence2Drive but it is out, so guess what I will be doing tomorrow.  
Oh and apparantly it is my birthday in three days, I am at an age when I am supposed to act grown up 'sigh'.  
And with that I shall leave you a quote about aging, found this on

"Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional".  ~Chili Davis